My boyfriends imminent house move has given me a panic that most people get when moving house. A panic which makes me want to throw out as much stuff as possible to make the process of moving house a lot less stressful. Not that it's even my house or me who'll have to do the moving of things. But still, I want to do my bit and using up his food seems to be the best way I can help. And I'm sure he'll be thanking me when he doesn't have to carry that bar of chocolate to our new place. It also means I can get him to do reviews on the food I make;
"I'm new to mousse, so don't really know how to review one. I've only ever had mousse two or three times ever, so am a bit short of a frame of reference about what makes a mousse good or bad. This one seems to be very much like the ones I had before, though, and those ones were made by proper chefs (or at least a well-calibrated mousse machine in a factory) which must mean this one's very good.
Uncle Jen will probably say it came out wrong for some weird reason, like she does with everything. Probably this time she'll moan because there was a slightly thick, chewy crust on top that tastes quite strongly of golden syrup. That's not supposed to be there, she'll say, also mentioning as an aside that she threw three previous secret attempts away because they seemed too runny.
However, the thick, chewy, syrupy/chocolatey crust is a secret lovely bonus! Like those thick lumpy bits you get in Easter eggs where the chocolate's gone too thick. They're a treat THEY don't want you to have because they're JUST TOO NICE - and so is this mousse's thick crust.
The first one had a huge lump, about the size of a large kidney bean, right at the top in the middle. What a treat. The second one (pictured) had a more uniform consistency. Both were very chocolatey and syrupy and quite fluffy, which, to my extremely stunted palette, is what a chocolate mousse should be like.
So I'll give this chocolate mousse a final score of eight Mars bars out of ten Mars bars. Recommended." Cmdr Zorg
100g dark chocolate
1 and half tbsp water
1 tbsp golden syrup
2 eggs, separated
Melt chocolate in a double boiler with the water and syrup. Take off the heat and beat in egg yolks one at a time. Whisk egg whites until stiff. Fold into chocolate mixture and divide between the two non-stackable ramekins I got with some very tasty Gu puddings.
(Recipe comes from Nigella's How To Eat.)
"the process of moving house"
The English have such a delightful way of using English.{g}
So I take it you're not moving and some "he" is and you're having symapathetic moving pains. Poor lass.
Mmmm Lush!!!
Jeesh, I gottsa gets mees some o' dat mix.
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