I am biting my lip in that photo, probably from sheer excitement. I don't normally look that goofy.

I also saw some huge cinnamon sticks. They were so "giant" that their cinnamony-orange glow was radiating over the whole of Earls Court...

...Oh wait, that's just my dodgy flash :(
It cost £16 to get into the show and wanting to get my moneys worth, I thought I should pay a visit to the celebrity stand. Unfortunately, Ainsley Harriot had done his showcase the day previous. My consolation was Ed Baines who I'm not very familiar with but I have seen him on the telly so I guess he counts.

This cooking demonstration really threw me. It took a while to get used to the fact that I didn't need to look at the TV projection to see him and that he was in fact a real person and cooking in the same room as me. At the end of the demo, people were able to talk to him. Great! This is my chance to speak to an award-winning chef. I could ask him anything I wanted and finally get answers to questions which only someone of his culinary knowledge and experience could answer. So what did I do?

Hide behind some people and take awkward close-ups of him.
Apart from taking photos of Ed Baines, I spent most of my time looking around the food stalls. I managed to spend a large portion of my birthday money on an over-priced bag of really crap fudge, and some rabbit pate and sausages which I both have yet to try. Sadly, it hits me as I'm walking out of the exhibition through some stands about massage chairs, that I've ultimately just spent £16 to get into a fancy MFI.
But all is not lost. I did this on the train on the way home.